Tag Archives: Class

Rocks in the Glass…

This morning, after parking my car, Ray sent me a message:  “Let’s guess what this is.”, followed by a picture of a chip the size of a nail head in her windshield.

We went back and forth for a few minutes before I called her and talked to her about it.  We both found it slightly funny and were happy it was just a chip and not a crack.  She agreed to pick up a repair kit on the way home and have one of the boys take a look at and hopefully fix it.

When I hung up, I couldn’t get past the comparison of how pebbles were annoyances, the highway life, and the car a person.  So I did what I do best:  write.

Take any measure of things that can hurt, maim, or damage cars like bugs, pebbles, stones, other cars, mud, etc. and make these the things that people go through in life.  Bugs could equal things that are minor annoyances that are easily dealt with by car wash and some elbow grease.  Stone and other cars, to me, would be deaths and losses since these can do the most damage to your car.

Cars are people, not literally but stay with me.  We all only have one car to get us from point A (birth) to point B (death).  We follow a road (Life).  Sometimes, we are alone on that road, coasting through stop signs and around curves that make up our experiences.  Other times, we have other cars around us, sharing our experiences and then taking another route towards their own destination.  This isn’t much different from the game, Life, a kid’s game I think we have at the house still.

Back to the rocks.  I got “hit” with a metaphysical stone that broke my windshield this week that I wasn’t prepared for.  I was cruising along thinking that everything was one and that I would have passed one of my classes with a “C”.  I could handle a “C”.  What I wasn’t prepared for was the “D” that popped up in the gradebook.  Talk about a blow.  I was eight classes away from graduating with my Bachelor’s and I’ve been at this now for a little over three years.  Now, I’m up to nine classes and a potential switch in my degree program.

For me, that stone and broken glass takes time to fix.  It may not seem like it shouldn’t have done much damage and in the long run, it probably hasn’t.  In the short term though, it has made me stop and think about what I really need to do outside of school right now, as I wait on the side of the road for someone to help me repair the glass.

Have a great Friday.

Listening to:  The sound of my typing.

Reading:  Written in Red by Anne Bishop

Quote of the Day:  “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” – Confucius

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Filed under Advice Column, Driving, Writing